Когда-то давно, еще при жизни преподобного Пафнутия, иконописцы Митрофан и Дионисий с сыновьями расписали церковь фресками.

В 1992 г. Освящена церковь свт.Митрофана Воронежского.
За небольшой период времени церкви монастыря значительно пополнились святыми иконами и убранством.

Голуби всегда укажут вам дорогу к храму и угодникам Божиим, подвизавшимся в монастыре.
В обители есть гостиный корпус, который всегда может принять паломников, желающихся потрудиться и помолиться у великих святынь.

Повествование о монастыре можно прочитать здесь.
Видеофильм о преп. Пафнутии.
Initially Saint Pafnuty lived in the High monastery, but in connection with a serious illness he has decided to accept схиму and to find to itself(himself) a new place of a feat for the sake of the Christ. Having left a monastery, it has found a fine place for a lonely life, on left to river bank Protvy at a confluence of it small rivers Istermy. But one had not to live here, it was followed by some of pupils from a former monastery and new "соработники" to the Christ. So in 1448 the monastery of Christmas of the Virgin as under Its special cover took place a life Saint and its pupils was based. The first church constructed for needs of a monastery was the wooden church for the sake of Rozhdestva Presvjatoj Bogoroditsy.
Now this church stone. Domes of silvery colour rise up, telling about protection of the Heavenly Tsarina all resorting to a vivifying source of good fortune - to Her son who suffered for us and has given to us force for correction of a sinful life. Ancient frescos speak about a hand of well-known icon painter Dionisija.
Once for a long time, during lifetime of Saint Pafnutija, icon painters of Mitrofan and Dionisy with sons have painted church with frescos.
Many ancient icons are in a monastery, there is also wonder-working, for example an icon of Bozhiej of Mother of "Skoroposlushnitsa".
Cancer with hallows of Saint Pafnutija conceals in itself the sea of miracles. In godless years the ark with hallows was stored in Kievo-Pecherskoj to Laurels, but subsequently has been returned in a monastery.
The church of prophet Ilii is constructed already after death Saint, but it has been consecrated by one of the first in a monastery after long persecutions from outside the Soviet power as only in 199о to year the executive committee of the Kaluga regional council has made the decision on transfer of a monastery of the Kaluga diocese.
In 1992 the church свт Is consecrated. Митрофана Voronezh.
For the small period of time of church of a monastery have considerably replenished with sacred icons and furniture.
It is erected a central board over Christmas church.
Have appeared ковчежцы with hallows of saints of Bozhiih.
At last, in 1998 in трапезной Christmases of the Virgin the Side-altar of Saint Pafnutija has been consecrated.
In a building of the former agricultural school there is a cell of aged man Vlasija.
Pigeons will always specify you a way to truth and to flatterers of Bozhiim, подвизавшимся in a monastery.
In a monastery is гостиный the case which can always accept the pilgrims, wished to work and pray at great relics.
Come to Borovsk. Monastery gate are opened for everything, wishing to find God in the soul.
The narration about a monastery can be read here.
Video film about преп. Пафнутии.